Wednesday 18 November 2009


I took an example picture to familiarise myself with photoshop and explore the different effects before doing the final for my poster. I used the filter tool in this picture because i wanted to blur the background, to focus more on the two figure. I outlined the two figures

Thursday 12 November 2009

Name of the Movie: Chemical Reaction


Scene 1-2
Voice Over: Nicholas Newman the jock; succeeds at everything, popular.

Katharine Matheson straight A Student; lacks style unsocial

Scene 3
Mr Hodge- your grades are slipping if you want to see the inside of Oxford University,

I suggest you get help from our class star Katharine.
Nicholas: Alright thanks

Scene 4
Voice Over: To get into oxford he had to change the schools outcast into a popular girl.

Scene 5-9
No dialogue just music in the background

Scene 10
Friend No.1 of Nicholas: Why are you hanging with that loser man.
Friend No.2 of Nicholas: Yeah man you are losing your touch
Nicholas: I am not losing my touch I just need to pass chemistry really bad.

Scene 12-13
Voice Over: Can they overcome their social status to be together.

Scene 13-14
Nicholas: Hey Katharine, which quizzes have u got for me now.

Research on Film Magazine Front Covers

Sunday 8 November 2009

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Locations of Filming and Camera Angles


The duration of my teaser trailer is 43.5 seconds which is ther average duration of other teaser trailer as i have noted.