Tuesday 19 January 2010

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evlauation stages?


The iMovie version 6.0.4 was the editing program I used for creating my teaser trailer, despite the program having limited option compared to other more advanced editing programs it still was a very useful and standard quality software for making my trailer. There wasn't a immense disadvantage to the point that made the quality of my editing seem inadequate. I used editing features such as fades and slow motion to create a melancholic atmosphere to reflect the characters emotions, and pushes which emits a faster pace and conveying convention of a teaser trailer which are relatively fast and quick cuts. However since this version of iMovie was an older version the newer versions of iMovie Version 8.0 (released 2009) such as more options and features to alter videos and aim for a more professional and creative films. Some of those new features they have introduced was more movie titles which was one of the issues I had with the current iMovie with the limited and uncreative standard titles. Also having more bars for clips and sound and many new transitions.


I used itunes to put my soundtrack on the iTunes library so that I can access the songs from the imovie which only gave me itunes as an option to import songs from to use it for my trailer.


Photoshop was the software I used for my ancillary project the magazine and poster, at first I had found it difficult using phtotshop as it was new and complicating however I have used other resources to help me take advantage of photoshop such as youtube as tutorials were proivded giuding me through what the symbols and icons mean and how I can create different types of effect. I also learned things in photoshop just by experimenting and seeing what i can create just playing with the types of effects, cutting and colouring techniques.


I had a few complications with audio, for my teaser trailer I had used the camera’s microphone to record the voiceovers which was on stereo. The stereo meant that the sound came out from two independent audio signal channels. For the dialogue, I used the boom microphone to get a clearer sound. I had to use that although it was mono which meant all the audio signals are mixed together and routed through a single audio channel, this affected my trailer as the audio channels were switching between the dialogue and voice over. I did however have an alternative which was to use the radio microphone however can only record one person at a time, which would have been time consuming, given the limited time the actors were available I had to just use the boom microphone. 

Digital Camera

I used a Digital Camera for my poster and Magazine photos which was Sony Cyber-shot model DSC-H9, it was really good quality as I am satisfied with how the poster image has turned out. The poster obviously with the work of photoshop looks professional and clear, this was also due to the lighting which was natural daylight 

Microsoft Office 

To construct my questionnaires, tables and graphs I used Microsoft office software, I used excel publisher and word.

Poster and Magazine Frontcover

I have decided to turn my magazine genre into tabloid rather than lifestyle because I have forgotten about my target audience, as I was thinking about making a lifetyle magazine which included healthy living fashion and prizes. But I have realised that that isn't some of my audiences preferences since they are teenagers and early twenties. The psychographics isnt really healthy living and high end fashion clothes. That generartion is celebrity obsessed the magazine therefore to add celebrity news and gossip the genre of the magazine became tabloid.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Editing Poster On Photoshop

During the making of my poster I made many changes to the original picture. I blurred the background (by going to filter then blur and the blur I chose to use is Gaussian blur) to emphasize the two figures. To make the two figures stand out I created another layer and created glow which made the figures brighter.

More Analysis On magazine Front covers

While creating my magazine front cover I couldn’t decide on whether I wanted to have a mid-shot or a close-up of the image, therefore I did some research as to which shot I should use.

I have added more content to my magazine frontcover and still cant decide on which shot would work with the front cover.