Thursday 31 December 2009

Changes in Magazine Front Cover Using Photoshop

I decided here to make the image bigger and see
how it looked by dublicating the layer and pasting
it. Which then I used edit to tranform the image
and enlarge to the size of my choice.

I also experimented with the various pictures i took to see which would look good and suit best for a magazine fornt cover. From these images its visible i have different shot from close-ups to mid-shots, also I took planned and thought out the body posture and facial expression.

Saturday 26 December 2009

Problems and Solutions So far

With filming I have had a few problems such as getting my actors to show up at certain times. However it was okay since it was not a consistent absence. Also remembering to get the props right in the scenes.

For editing I had realised that me teaser trailer's pace is too slow and that is not the conventions of a teaser. In an attempt to correct that I had to shorten many clips and cut some in half to had other clips in between them. This made the pace certainly faster which was a solution for the pace. But this forced me to get rid of some of the music I had in the background as it didn't fit too well with the quick second clips. I went from originally having four songs to three I might get rid of another one again, since I haven't finished editing, the songs might have to be changed around depending on how much changes I will make.

The magazine front cover photo has given me a few problems as the camera I used and the lighting has caused the image to become pixalated meaning that the pixels were shaped like a square instead of circles . Which wasn't good news as it made using Photoshop harder I had to spend a large amount of time cutting around the image to get it onto the background I wanted to use. I have done cutting and created a background now I am spending time adding texts and shapes to the magazine front cover.

Wednesday 23 December 2009


I experimented with different fonts and styles for my title of the movie, some of them have references to science such as the font that I used for warning signs in a dangerous area or products.

Wednesday 16 December 2009

I have so far done parts of my trailer and taken my magazine picture, also have almost finished my poster.
Today i plan to
  • fix a clip in my trailer that hasn't come out the way i hoped it would. I have to film extra clips so i can shorten the clip that isn't good.
  • I also have to finish my magazine by adding the text and the conventions such as the barcode etc.
  • For my poster i have other texts to add and the PG12 certificate.
  • I will film at period 6 and 7 depending on how much I can get done.

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Poster Mock Up

The mock-up is my intitial ideas on how i want my poster to look like. Where i wanted the title, actors name and other conventions of a poster. I was thinking of blurring the background to emphasize the two figures and make the actors stand out more. The mise-en-scene is in a science lab to portray what the movie is about. Also the sartorial code portrays what the movie is about as the girl is wearing a lab coat. The props i used are goggles, test tubes and beakers. In the image a contrast is there as the boy is uninterested in the subjetcs by face expression and body language as he looks at the object with confusion.

 I also did another poster which is similar to the previous but was thinking of not having a mise-en-scene and have a more conventional romantic comedy poster. Which has initially a white background and the two characters in the centre such as "The Proposal" and "The Ugly Truth"  or very little content in the background this is is to make the focus point the characters. An exmaple of that is "Did You Hear About The Morgans" which has corn field surrounding the characters.