Tuesday 15 December 2009

Poster Mock Up

The mock-up is my intitial ideas on how i want my poster to look like. Where i wanted the title, actors name and other conventions of a poster. I was thinking of blurring the background to emphasize the two figures and make the actors stand out more. The mise-en-scene is in a science lab to portray what the movie is about. Also the sartorial code portrays what the movie is about as the girl is wearing a lab coat. The props i used are goggles, test tubes and beakers. In the image a contrast is there as the boy is uninterested in the subjetcs by face expression and body language as he looks at the object with confusion.

 I also did another poster which is similar to the previous but was thinking of not having a mise-en-scene and have a more conventional romantic comedy poster. Which has initially a white background and the two characters in the centre such as "The Proposal" and "The Ugly Truth"  or very little content in the background this is is to make the focus point the characters. An exmaple of that is "Did You Hear About The Morgans" which has corn field surrounding the characters.

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