Monday 29 March 2010

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I intended for my teaser trailer to be perceived as a professional and believable real media product. Using convention of romantic comedy I intended the content to be funny and enjoyable for my audience. The target audience which are pre-adults, early twenties have a lot in common with the narrative, like being students and the narrative revolving around school life/college/ Uni. I used both open ans closed questions to provide my audience with different ways of expressing their opinions.

1.)What is the genre of the teaser trailer?
From my audience research I learned that the overall majority definitely recieved the trailer as a romantic comedy which was a relieve as I was aiming to portray both genres equally I have steered slightly in the romantic direction, this did worry me but the audience feedback has revealed to me that both genres are recognisable in my trailer.

The most important apsect of my teaser trailer would have been the characters, they would have to be likeable by the audience, since a film can have an astounding narrative, the chemistry between the characters and emotions portrayed are just as important. Therefore having some level of authenticity to create a sense of realism. The characters are the backbone of the film the audience , and form my audience research i have found out that the characters where most favourited in the teaser trailer .
4.) What did you think of the stereotypes conveyed in the taser trailer?

The representation of particular social groups was typically stereotyped however my aim was to use these exhausted stereotypes and create humour and not generalise actual social groups. This was by not conforming to audiences out dated ideologies and simply providing what is ideally socially expected from people such as the 'Cool Kid; and the 'GEEKs'.
I have subverted these stereotypes by embedding more complex characteristics that draw the stereotpyed characters away from simply being taken as two dimensional characters in terms of stereotypes with no depth to three dimensional characters that have realistic attributes and who are credible people the audience know in reality. The feedback was relatively the same as my intentions which taught me that just becuase a movie is supposed to be mainstream it doesn't limit your creativity and message.

6.)Did you notice anything about the sound on the trailer? 
Some audiences noticed that the sound wasn't at certain times working simultaneously on both headphones. This has shown me that it was noticeable but not a major factor to
be overly concerned. 


I have also used YouTube as a form of audience feedback, social networking sites is popular amongst my target audience. Because of web 2.0 audiences have become more critical of media product's as the introductuion to web 2.0 gave the consumers of media a voice, and opinion this opts for the directors and writers to provide something their audience will appreciate as the negative feedback can scare away other potential future audiences. The audiences become self made critics of what is done by professionals, and now media students and general contributors to sites such as YouTube, Megavideo, and Tudou (one of the largest video sharing sites in Peoples Republic of China). There were positive and negative aspects of using this form of feedback. the postive is that the audience can have more freedom with expressing how they feel as they don't feel preasured by the creator for positive reaction. This provided me with honest commment's that were not fabricated to be kind.

However since the people that replyed were not professionals or media thinkers I recieved informal comments that were vague and not particularly specific to what could have been improved or what they admired related to media conventions and techniques.

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