Sunday 13 September 2009

Product Research

For my product research i have decided to not only analyse the new films that are of the romantic comedy genre coming out this year, but also older movies like in the ninety’s that also are romantic comedy. My reasons for this is because I wanted to see if the similarities these trailers share and conventions an example of this is they reveal the basic plot to the audiences and don’t really hide the story apart from the end which makes the audience want to go see the movie. They reveal so much because they want to show how funny the movie really, of course the movie being a romantic comedy they have to have a general love interest.

The two movies i have chosen are The Proposal(2009) and Never been kissed (1999)

Major Findings

Representations of women - older film shows central female protagonist as struggling to establish career, whereas The Proposal women represented as established in career and career focused. Both films represent the females missing something amongst work and success, which is love, the films represent that ideology which is implemented into the narrative, the ideology has not changed in between the two movies however the representation of characters in the movies has.

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