Sunday 13 September 2009

Results of my Questionnaire

The questionnaire I have conducted helped me with my project, like the expectations of my audience, who my audiences are and their aspiration, likes and dislikes. I have made my questions closed questions this allowed me to create graphs and understand their answers as opposed to open questions where it is difficult to show my results in a form of statistics.

My target audience are from 12-17, the reasons I have made that age group the target for this movie is because my movie is about school and the hardship in wanting to fit in and finding yourself, also admiring the people who are prestigious and popular. This is what school and college is about therefore my target audience are going to have many similarities with this movie.

Asking my audience about what they would consider a good opening of a movie gave me ideas on how I would construct my narrative in the beginning piece of the teaser trailer I will be creating, and the most popular answer was “an opening that doesn’t reveal much, but draws you into the movie” knowing this I am going to have to portray in my teaser the plot of the story, and the genre so the people who view it know that it’s a romantic comedy and easily understand the plot.

A question I knew was very important was the audiences take on stereotypes specifically in movies “What do you think about stereotypes?”, the result was interesting as it showed differently to what I had anticipated. More people circled indifference than dislike which conveys the lack of interest in stereotypes, this gave me a chance to explore stereotypes challenge them and comply to them.

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