Sunday 11 October 2009

Final Brief

As I have mentioned in my initial brief I am still sticking to doing the Film Promotion, the main product I will be doing is a teaser trailer and the two ancillary products are a film poster and magazine front cover, the genre of my main product will be Romantic/Comedy.

Target Audience
-Demographics- Females
- Between the ages of 12 to 18
- Students

-Psychographics- Interests in clothes and different style like a; “goth”, “emo”, “prep”, . casual, sport wear etc
- They would aspire to the rich lifestyles
- Into technology and gadgets

The similar media products I have researched are many other teaser trailers of the romantic comedy genre to get a feel of what the expectations and conventions of a teaser trailer would be. I have analyzed things such as representations of character, technical aspects such as the constructions of the one minute extract and even counting the cuts, looking at camera angles and diagetic and non diagetic sounds. Some of the romantic comedies I have researched are “The Proposal”, “The Ugly Truth” and "Never Been Kissed" looking at these has given me an idea of what to do. Other similar products I have looked at is different posters and magazine front covers to understand and know the conventions of a magazine cover such as masthead and teasers and analyzed the posters to look at the mise-en-scene and sartorial code in relevance to the movie itself.

My justification for picking this brief is that the romantic comedies are of the popular genres and have many very successful movies like “Love Actually” ,“Bridget Jones Diary” and “The Holiday” which made over 200,000,000 million at the box office globally, the success that is portrayed through these number encouraged me to do romantic comedy. Depending on how your romantic comedy does you know that there is a possibility of having a multimillion box office hit. But that isn’t my only reason for it as another is that women populate the cinema since the majority of romantic comedy audience are women this shows that there is potential profit in this choice theoretically speaking.

The representational issues aren’t major as I am going to use stereotypes such as the geeky clever school girl and the cool good looking jock, what led me to this decision was founding’s from my questionnaire during my audience research when I asked if stereotypes is an issue and the majority of participants said indifference. The stereotype I am going to use is going to engage my audience as they will empathize with my character not the dress code and the geeky elements but the isolations of the bigger crowed and the sense of being rejected, as this is something people will find easier to familiarize with as it has happened to people in different situations.

My narrative structure is linear structured.

My creativity comes form subverting generic convections of the romantic comedy posters, as I have seen that most are simplistic and have very little content, I am going to subvert that by having the mise-en-scene be in a school as that is the location of the teaser trailer. The place will be in a chemistry lab with tables and test tubes and other things, I have subverted it by still applying the contents of what the movie is about “chemistry” but have the environment busy not empty in the image.

The challenges anticipated is first and utmost finding an actor and actress willing to be in my teaser trailer, another is actually having access to the chemistry products and getting the help of a chemistry teacher willing to lend me the test tubes and other science equipments. A challenge I must also face is scheduling for filming and making sure my actors are available to attend since I cannot film without them.

The digital technologies I am going to be using is Imovie on the IMac computers for editing my teaser trailer and also the Photoshop software for my poster and magazine front cover. I will use the video cameras for filming and cameras for taking still images.

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